Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Is immigration out of control? Should the U.S. limit the number of Immigrants? Why or Why not?

     Immigration is out control and United States should limit the number of immigrants becuause the influx of immigrant from different countries create chaos to the government and its citizentry.  First time immigrants  face a lot of problems and challenges that they need to overcome in the U.S.  These are some of the problems that the immigrant have to deal with while staying in the host country: Unemployment, seclusion to the society and language which hinders the immigrant to communicate to people inorder for them to be more self reiant and be progressive.   The government must have to set qoutas how many immigrants are allowed to enter the country in a particular period of time to minimized the insurmountable number of immigrants.  According to the author, Mortimer B. Zuckerman, "Over population is projected to  over 500 million by 2050 roughly double of what is America today".  Because of the so called "family reunification" or the creterion of immedaite relatives keeps going on and on......their is a possiblity that it adds up the population.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The reasons you pointed out why United State should close her doors to immigrants are true in someway. However, I think you are being little bit biased because you are only mentioned the problems they may cause to the country. But, we should also able to look the positive side and consider how it is helpful opening the doors to the country and the immigrants as well. Close
